Friday, December 25, 2009


Happy Holidays all, don't shoot your eye out!

Posted via email from robertzullo's posterous

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2009- 2010

Happy Holidays all, don't shoot your eye out!
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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Quote of the Week

"find the best in everything. Let it justify the bad and underscore the good."

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Situational Leadership

Situational Leadership

I was reminded today of the importance of situational leadership. As a management consultant I often meet with trusted partners and clients who are experiencing some sort of organizational shift.  Whether or not it's an entity that has good development programs there is always a need to maintain situational leadership styles.

Many organizations invest in programs on this subject and almost any MBA program includes some form or review on the practice.  It's not a particularly difficult concept to understand and it's based on the work from Robert Tannenbaum and Warren H. Schmidt (1958, 1973) who put forth the notion that a leadership style should be born from the circumstance and therefore leaders should have a range of styles in their arsenal.

In the technology industry many leaders rise to management on the backs of technical skills, and some ascend very quickly (Gates, Wozniak, Jobs are great examples).  A good leadership development program can teach situational leadership and experience can mature these skills such that anyone can become a "4 Tool Leader"™.  

This is all great stuff to review and somewhat fundamental so what is new here?  What I was reminded of today was the maintenance that accompanies this skill set and the responsibility we are empowered with to use it appropriately.  To effectively utilize this practice you must employ a healthy introspective review of situations, styles and results.  I will go as far as to say that getting feedback from other leaders familiar with the organization is also another diligence that should accompany your review.  Some leaders feel threatened at the thought of considering any post analysis of their leadership.  Many will realize value in it and nearly all who engage in the practice will grow from the experience.

How do you maintain and grow your situational leadership?

Posted via web from robertzullo's posterous

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

iPhone CVS, do you use it?

For a long time I've advised clients that code management and version control tools are a prerequisites to any SDLC or SCM methodology implementation. With the popularity of iPhone apps continuing to grow in both the consumer and commercial market I am wondering what flavor are you using?

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Boot Snow Leopard into 64Bit Mode

The default mode for the new Snow Leopard install is 32bit mode.

Want to change that and upgrade to 64bit.

Simply change one line in the  /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ file and your Macintosh will boot into 64bit mode.  With most recent Mac's you'll see a significant performance improvement , of course the more memory you have the better and results may vary.  You can always switch back using this method

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "$
<plist version="1.0">
        <key>Kernel Flags</key>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>Kernel Flags</key>

Any text editor should work or you can simply use PICO by typing the following in terminal along with your root password.  

sudo pico /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/


Posted via email from robertzullo's posterous

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GPGMAIL for Snow Leopard-Fix (Beta)

The wildly popular open source GPGMail v1.2.0 plugin for OSX does not work in Snow Leopard. This is something that was found in the later beta's and remain's a major problem in the Power User community. At issue is the use of an undocumented API in the mail bundle that is no-longer supported in the new v4 of Mail. A developer has posted an interim fix for the community which can be downloaded here. Simply unzip this file and copy it to the /Library/Mail/Bundles folder and re-start Mail and your back in business.
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Friday, October 9, 2009

Mobile field of dreams

"If you build it for mobile (iPhone, Android) they will come"

-Robert Zullo @ MobileCon'09
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Monday, October 5, 2009

Flash CS5 on the Rocks Please..

Chances are this one will be on ice soon as Apple doesn't appear to have been involved with usurping it's own market monopoly on iPhone development SDK's

Sort of makes you wonder what could be possible outside the AppStore
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Monday, September 21, 2009

iPhone Exchange Support

Microsoft today confirmed that Exchange 2007 is now recognizing the iPhone as an actual iPhone device. Encryption support can depend on this in Group Policies and should be checked if recent upgrades are causing iPhones not to get mail. Encryption may now be enforced.

Link to Article

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Friday, September 4, 2009

When Green became Chic!

When Green became Chic!

I received a call from a colleague today who manages a large data center in North Carolina. About a year ago we toured this facility and while impressive and modern it was far from what someone would call "GREEN". Over the past year they have undergone a major change in thinking and have undertaken a program to make all of their IT operations and functions GREEN aware. From easy items like solar panels to more difficult items like monitoring cooling and air flow the change has been palpable, not just in technology approach but also the the bottom line.

Of course there is the savings against utilities and general facilities costs but there is also government subsidies that can make the whole pill a little easier to swallow. In most states their are programs that can help take advantage of tax breaks or incentives for for embarking on a GREEN effort. In this case the correlation from the incentives to the return was immediate and for most enterprise data centers this has to be at least a fundamental consideration at this point even with energy costs leveling off.

Whilst this was a great example of industry (and government) making a change for the good, advising clients to GREEN outside the data center space is often a more challenging situation. Government subsidies are targeted at energy and not hardware per-say. Client based GREEN efforts have come of age, and they've done so without similar government subsidies. As most know client computing has been dramatically effected by the move to the Virtualization and Mobile platforms. While clients often see an immediate impact on budgets by a reduced cost for hardware the GREEN impact of not having to run additional hardware is often lost in the fray. Making hardware refresh decisions today often is an opportunity to explore the impact of GREEN on IT as well as the efficiencies of new technology.

No matter what size organization, there are options to let GREEN find it's way into your organizational thinking for IT. Virtualization, Alternative Energy, Mobilization, and even Cooperative Cloud Computing are just a few examples and efficiencies in this space are growing every day.

Robert Zullo
Vice President, Technology Consulting

Posted via email from robertzullo's posterous

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Friday, August 28, 2009

TKIP Based WPA Cracked

Posted via email from robertzullo's posterous

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Zig Ziglar

ack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem.  We all have twenty-four hour days.


- Zig Ziglar 

Posted via email from robertzullo's posterous

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Monday, August 24, 2009

PandoraBoy Code

 Nicely done Pandora App...


Posted via email from robertzullo's posterous

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Outsource your Social Media Marketing Campaign

ZuCom is proud to offer outsourced Social Media Marketing Services.

We'll Tweet for you!! List and update your Facebook, YouTube, Blogger, LinkedIN or ???. Why spend hours trying to improve and manage your online Social Market when we can do it for you.

Contact ZuCom today at Accepting new commercial and consumer clients.

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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Macintosh & Apple Consultant

With over 25 years managing and consulting Macintosh and Apple products ZuCom is a leader in Macintosh Support and Consulting. From small consumer services to large enterprise clients ZuCom has served clients all over the globe. With offices in upstate New York ZuCom has a strong footprint in the northeast and looks to serve the global community. From Snow Leopard to ProDOS we cover it all and if you're in need we are just a phone call away.


Contact our sales department today.
  • Software Development
  • Deployment Services
  • Management Consulting
  • Network Management
  • Solution Design
  • Hardware Support
  • iPhone in the Enterprise
  • ... your issue...


...for pricing, questions, orders, or whatever contact us at: 

ZuCom Services
P.O. Box 11344
Albany, NY 12211-0344

PH: (518) 496-2592

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Saturday, August 8, 2009


Blogging test from the iPhone.

Sent from my iPhone

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Monday, June 8, 2009

WWDC 2009 Getting Ready to Start!

With this year's sell out, we are seeing a jump in corporate attendees. This meets the expectations from several clients that the growth in this area is under rated. Adoption of Agile iPhone methodologies are still in their infancy but are integrating now with corporate support.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Another Great Article from the Author of the Apress hit "Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK"

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

iTunes Beta!!  FIRST

Install iTunes BEFORE you try upgrading the iPhone OS.. Simple way to solve many problems and enables the process to complete cleanly.

Many have suggested just using iTunes to do the upgrade rather than Organizer.
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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Iphone OS 3.0 - Candidates

ZuCom is now accepting beta candidates for the 3.0 release.

If you would like your APP professionally verified before submitting to the APP Store
Contact us at ZuCom.Com
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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Great Article on OpenGL ES

Great article on OpenGL ES

Very powerful stuff for a phone.

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Battery Life  - 3.0 OS

Battery Life in the new iPhone OS (EDGE) seems a bit weak. Could the optimization of a new chip be coming? Perhaps these routines aren't completely backwards optimized yet?

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

iPhone OS 3.0 - support

First sign that you need to upgrade your hardware is when the company starts to treat you special.. Like the Edge vs 3G version of the iPhone OS.

Turns out the MMS and Stereo BlueTooth features aren't supported in the EDGE version.

Time to upgrade!!!

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

30 Million iPhones & iPod Touch

Wow.. &nbsp;imgine having 30mm potential consumers, with 24/7 access to your product, anywhere they go.. &nbsp;Hard to beat..<br>

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

iPhone3.0 OS - on it's way

Great article on the upcoming release of the iPhone 3.0 OS. &nbsp;

While design patterns have emerged from within the iPhone Apple Developer community, it would be a bit bold to say that anything depends on these patterns for very long in this world. &nbsp;Any attempt to afix judgement of a new release of the iPhone OS to these patterns may be a bit pre-mature.

Or perhaps it's a matter of perspective? (See:&nbsp;<a href=""></a>&nbsp;re: NeXTstep)

Which ever angle you take, the addition of copy / paste into the mix will bring a new "inter-application" level of thinking into the design patterning of the iPhone software architecture. Perhaps it'll be something faceless that will be backwards compatible with all existing apps, (denoting it's really more of an OS layer addition) but the ramifications if it not being at that level is one that would surely add a new dimention to future design patterns

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Debugging Xcode

There is a great screencast &nbsp;over on the iPhone development blog&nbsp;<a href=""></a>&nbsp;that will really help just about anyone debug in Xcode.

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Marc Speaks to Charlie

Marc Speaks to Charlie

Video Here
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